Home Finance 5 benefits of having a website for startups

5 benefits of having a website for startups

by Ankit Gaurav
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Today we are living in an era of progress and development. This is the era where new ideas are being given shape to and development of these ideas are enhancing the quality of life human beings are living. Be it the varieties of food that have started to come now a days in the market or be it the latest fashion trends which attracts people or be it the advancement in subject of generation like Machine Learning and AI are providing us with robots to assist us in our daily chores which saves our time and energy, Android and iOS applications which has made our mobile phones of much more use than just calling and sending messages . And, the biggest success humankind has achieved in development is the Internet. The Internet has helped a lot in making these ideas and developments popular and available for every individual. We can say that the Internet is the wheel for Cart of Development.

Now, these new ideas after being developed need to be given a proper shape, publicity and a proper set up to execute its flow to make it reach to customers and provide services. And, all these setups need money to run. This is when the start-ups and small businesses come into existence. It’s a simple 4 steps process:

  • Have a new idea.
  • Try to develop it and get success.
  • Then, set up a new small business over it.
  • Make sure to reach to customers.

Being a startup or emerging business, you must own a WEBSITE. Yes, a Website. You might be thinking on top of everything why am I suggesting you to own a website. Well, then let’s answer your curiosity of what makes a website so important for a small business or startup.

1. First Impression

For Small Businesses or Startups, it’s very important to give a very strong impression to your investors and customers so that they are attracted to your business and agree to trade with it. It is scientifically proven that people than to get more attracted to and remember what they see as compared to what they listen to.

A beautiful website, explaining all your perspective and a website which has features which are user-friendly tend to attract more customers. So, owning a website gives you an upper hand and a better first impression.

2. Accessibility and Availability

Sometimes, it really feels bad when you have to return a customer who’s come from far, just because he could not manage to reach your office in your working hours. Well, having a website for your business solves your issue. A website never closes. A website can be visited from anywhere and at any point in time. Website makes your company and services available for customers 24×7. People can look into your website to get the services required instead of running to your office.

Modern Services like Support Chatbots, and AI Based Chatbots now help in collecting leads that you can follow even when your offline business was closed!

3. Saves Money & Time

A website acts as your digital brochure, and one can not deny that a website helps you to cut down a good amount of the expenses you spend while traveling for meetings, or advertising your brand, or setting up meetings with clients who don’t even understand what you provide or just to showcase your portfolio?

Having a website helps you to cut down advertising costs, survey costs, and to some extent traveling expenses. You can also set up an online brochure about your company, put online surveys and polls which online visitors can fill. Online marketing is faster, more efficient, and inexpensive.

4. Easy Advertisement and Increased Visibility

Around 90% of the world’s population are active internet users, which means that millions of people surf the internet every day.

It is as easy as to relate yourself with a stall at a fair, which showcases itself to human beings coming to go to fare and attracting clients. Website is very much like the stall on the internet where you exhibit about your enterprise inside the exceptional viable manner you could, letting humans recognize about all the offerings you offer and their advantages. And, your business might be the one human beings had been seeking out. Online advertisements and marketing play a huge role to increase your visibility.

There are many tools and techniques that you can use for online marketing but without a website, these strategies will fall short. Social Media, Blogging, E-mails, and videos are some efficient ways to marketing about your business.

5. Easy to use and always Up-To-Date

If maintained properly your website will always be updated and contemporary. Indeed, even a bustling entrepreneur could make refreshes and alters, efficaciously, from any PC. You won’t want to pay a software program engineer on every occasion you need to exchange date or include an object. Set aside your coins for huge activities or overhauls. Never again will a client need to call attention to an out-of-date price and claim they saw it on the site. So, website makes it easy for you to maintain and update your data.

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