Home Global Google dissociates Photos from Drive over alleged “Confusion”

Google dissociates Photos from Drive over alleged “Confusion”

by Raghav Khullar
0 comment 2 minutes read

In a rather surprising move, Google has decided to separate synchronization between Google Photos and Google Drive. Google Photos Will No Longer Sync to Google Drive from July 10 in Bid for ‘Simplicity’. The Software giant has been providing sync between the two for a really long time now, and the news came as rather unanticipated to the frequent users.

In a recent post, Dan Schlosser and Jason Gupta, the product managers at Google wrote as follows: “We’ve heard feedback that the connection between these services is confusing, so next month, we’re making some changes to simplify the experience across Drive and Photos“.

Image result for google disconnects photos

After the change becomes effective, whenever an image is saved in Drive, it won’t be saved in the Photos app, and vise – versa also lies true. According to the reports, a separate button shall be made available, allowing users to copy videos and photos. The move is being aimed at reducing the need for having two versions of the same file at a time. Thus, the images won’t end up gobbling huge chunks of space, especially if the copied item is of “original” and high quality. Another major advantage is that the users will not end up accidentally deleting their images as there would be one copy of image per app.

While the management of photos is simplified drastically for users, it also means that both services will now have to be monitored individually when it comes to storing photos and videos.

The Tech Giant has stated that the necessary changes and actions will take effect by July 2019, and separate the two services, simplifying the system in the process.

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