
Bizarre practices that existed in the Victorian era

Even though the world has changed immensely since the 1900s, one things remains the same that some people still do messed up, strange things in different ways. During the rule of Queen Victoria, the world seemed as if it was all modern and and civilized… but was it? No! Here are some weird and strange practices that were followed in the Victorian era that you wish you didn’t knew

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JATINGA: Valley of death for birds

Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages


The Russian Sleep Experiment

“The Russian Sleep Experiment” is the name of an Internet horror story and urban legend – a creepypasta – written by author Holly Ice.There is also a subreddit for this experiment. It tells the tale of five test subjects being exposed to an experimental sleep-inhibiting stimulant in a Soviet-era scientific experiment.
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My Lovely Wife: Book Review

Lovecraftian Horror: Fear of the Unknown