Home Latest Christchurch Shooting: The “Dark Day”

Christchurch Shooting: The “Dark Day”

by Raghav Khullar
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No one is so brave that he is not disturbed by something unexpected.”

– Julius Caesar

On Friday, during the afternoon hours in Christchurch, New Zealand, a 28 -year-old Australian man equipped with semi-automatic weapons, massacred through two renowned mosques in the city, man-slaughtering about 49 worshippers. Dozens of other people were lacerated. Two IEDs (improvised explosive devices) were found in a car and neutralized by the military, police said.

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The dead and the wounded being taken to the nearby hospital.

It is being called the deadliest attack against the Muslim community in the history of the country. The people of New Zealand, who are used to living in a safe and non-violent space, were in a state of shock and dismay, following the incident.

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The main accused Australian man, in a glimpse from his live-stream.

The 28-year-old, right-wing extremist, Australian-born man, was arrested and charged with murder. He also live-streamed the extermination and showcased every graphic detail of his monstrous acts, such as, going room-to-room, victim to victim, shooting the wounded from close range as they struggled to crawl away, which clearly illustrates his bizarre mindset. There are two other accused as well, while their involvement is not yet clear.

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New Zealand Police outside one of the mosques attacked.

The culprit, in his manifesto, stated that he is a white supremacist and hates immigrants. He also specified that he was triggered by the attacks in Europe caused by the Islamic terror groups. The sole purpose behind the mosque attack was to instill a sense of fear among the Muslim Community and to grab global attention.

Bangladesh and New Zealand previously met in a Feb 16 match in Christchurch.

In addition, members of the Bangladesh cricket team were en route to pray at the Masjid Al Noor Mosque before a scheduled test match against host team New Zealand, according to a Bangladeshi newspaper. They narrowly escaped the attack as a local woman warned them about the attack before they entered the mosque.

The day will be mourned as a “Dark Day” in the history of New Zealand.

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