Home LatestNews Theresa May’s final Deadlock

Theresa May’s final Deadlock

by Deeksha Pandey
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Following Britain’s decision to leave the E.U., British Prime Minister Theresa May has been trying for months to propose a good Brexit deal with her last proposed deal, being made in January, getting reject vehemently by the Parliament with a margin of 230. Now with just over 2 weeks remaining until the United Kingdom finally leaves E.U., May, made a hurried last minute trip to Strasbourgh on Monday to talk to the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker about a good Brexit deal. She has since urged the MPs to back up her new Brexit deal or suffer a no deal Brexit which would likely result in lot of losses for the British economy.

The Prime Minister further clarified saying that she has managed to gain, “legally binding changes” from the E.U. which will help smoothen to move the Brexit deal through the British Parliament and avert major economic losses.

With the Brexit being scheduled to happen on 29th March and the Prime Minister assuring the people countless times that no matter what happens the decision to leave will stay affirmed, it seems more and more likely that there can be a a true, “no deal” Brexit which can lead to a serious economic wreak.

The talks for the most part had been stuck on the same issues that has put a halt on any progress since last year.

Even the Prime Minister’s own political party has been divided for months due to this. With the Pro-Brexit politicians warning the Prime Minister again and again that the plan – known as the backstop – will more than likely trap the British economy in a E.U. Trade regime with backing out becoming near impossible since the backstop effectively puts Britain in the E.U. customs union, which in turn, would result in Britain losing any right to look for free trade deals with countries around the world. The Parliament have long since rejected any such deal and placed more and more pressure on the P.M. to look for a better deal as the time progressed.

There have been even talks of scrapping altogether the planned Tuesdays vote since the deal had received no significant changes since the last deadlock. But with Theresa May setting off to Strasbourg at 5:15 p.m. to European Commission President Jean-Claude, with her new deal that her officials have been working on in complete secrecy for months, the Tuesdays planned vote is confirmed to happen.

May’s new deal, has three new documents, at its heart, which would in turn help guarantee that the British don’t get trapped indefinitely inside the backstop. The papers, contain method’s as to how the British can avert any such difficulties.

The content of the new documents will be heavily debated upon in the upcoming vote session on Tuesday. Though even if May gets the approval of her Attorney General, Geoffrey Cox, she still will have a huge task ahead of her to persuade the members of her own Conservative Party to support her upcoming new deal since one in three of May’s party members rejected her last January deal.

Though if the Parliament rejects May’s new deal again, then May would have to give the House of Commons, a vote to leave the E.U. without an agreement on Wednesday.

If members of Parliament choose to veto a no-deal Brexit, they will then get a vote on whether to delay the U.K.’s departure from the bloc.

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