Home LifestyleHealth & Fitness Valerian health benefits

Valerian health benefits

by Ilma
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Valerian or Healer is very popular plant in field of medicine. Many people use this plant and medicines made from it, my curiosity made me I investigate all about it. And the facts I could find about it are just AMAZING ! And, here’s an excerpt revealing health benefits of this plant .

Natural Insomnia fighter 


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Research has shown that this plant will allow you to quickly get into sleep, so if insomnia is your problem, you have found your solution. People who take the root extract of this plant are able to have a deep and healthy sleep, and wake fresh and strong , ready to continue with their daily chores. Results of a survey showed that 89% of people were have a sound sleep after taking Valerian dose.

It calms nervousness: Valerian generally acts soothing and is an extremely important natural remedy that will help alleviate stress, sorrow, fear and anxiety. They achieve an internal balance and thus prevent diseases that result from these conditions.

Reduces blood pressure: We know that Valerian helps in relaxation of physical and mental body, in turn helping us to maintain a balanced blood pressure. Valerian acts a miracle dose for people having a high blood pressure.

It calms menstrual cramps: Relaxing properties of this plant can be the right choice for relieving menstrual cramps, which are common in women. As it is considered a natural sedative and antiseptic, it will prevent cramps and will relax muscles.

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How to use Valerian?

  • The plant contains various acids, essential oils and other substances. It is often the main ingredient for most of the relaxation remedies. 
  • It can be obtained in the form of powder, tea or tincture. You can get some for yourselves here https://www.amazon.com/Valerian-Root-Organic-Alvita-2-12/dp/B00CE2KI9K
  • Some people say results are only apparent after a few weeks of using Valerian, well no medicine or herb has an everlasting effecting until unless you are careful and take precautions. You need continue it if you continue playing with your health.
  • If you are taking it for fighting insomnia, it is advised to take few hours before sleep. 
  • Most importantly, consult a doctor before starting Valerian doses.


Being full of health benefits and a work beauty in itself it’s perfect a perfect add-on for your pots and gardens. Why to wait, go and grab some saplings and start experiencing it’s benefits and miracle. And do let us know your experience with this healer in the comment section . 

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