Home Lifestyle 5 BOOKS YOU MUST READ


by Deeksha Pandey
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How do we define reading? An occasion at which pieces of literature are read to the audience. As an individual, we develop different sets of skills and hobbies that satisfy our comfort zones. It may include dancing, reading, learning, singing, writing and many more. Amidst the pandemic people are on the verge of exploration. As being a social animal we have certain desires and dreams for our future. In order to make life worth living, and collecting various memories and experiences to look back in time and burst into melange of feelings we set a bucket list. A list including goals in every field of art or life.

Apart from every skill, reading is understood the simplest of all. This is the point where we hurry to make a decision. Reading includes the interpretation of written words on any written material. Written materials are the basic platforms that provide an enchanted view of various stages of life and solutions to make through it. Thus, there comes the role of novels and story books. Reading is a mandatory activity when it comes to education. Otherwise reading is a skill when a stack of various genres tend to teach important life lessons and stories to enhance our imagination.


When we frame a perfect answer to this question, it turns out to be a fair NO. Out of every five, two have a hobby of reading, which as a whole elaborate the moderate crowd. Being an independent individual, we ourselves develop our skills. For every individual there is a small list of books one should definitely read in their entire life span. The list may include endless collection of titles and genres, but to name a few –

  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  • The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho
  • The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
  • To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee
  • Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Picking a few from a great stack of endless collection may vary from person to person. But describing the initials somehow manage to be the same.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

We often come across people with manners, here we come across a novel of manners. Pride and Prejudice is said to be a masterpiece of satirical and social critique on social status and the expectations of women during the eighteenth century. Throughout the book, the strong themes of prejudice, reputation, and class are explored as the romance between two characters. Also, an illustrative example of specific lessons and teaches the importance of principles, self awareness and self love, even when it’s expedient to go a different way. As the description briefly explains the book, but it’s not supposed to be misinterpreted as a girl book. Here the irony and wit overshadow the weight of words in terms of parsing human nature.

It’s the ultimate “happy ever after” tale. Pride & Prejudice established the template for an infinity of romance novels, yet no subsequent love story has ever come close to equaling the delights of the original.

The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho

The mirror of life shows the role of dreams. There’s no secret tunnel to the final destination. It’s filled with hurdles with every explanation to cross them. When we first begin fighting our dream, we have no experience and make many mistakes. The secret of life though is to fall seven times and to get up eight times in order to face the obstacles. And somehow to believe in a bit of magic (beautifully explained as the omens). This magical story of Santiago explaining his journey to realize his destiny is the only obligation. The beauty of framing the basic stages itself drags towards the non-stop turning of pages. How our greatest beliefs about fates turn out to be the world’s biggest lie. The language of the world, the secret of happiness including oil in the spoon. The basic relation of a blessing and a curse. To be more precise, The Alchemist teach the most valuable and overwhelming lessons of never giving up. And the way how hardest of things turns out to be the best journeys and also the simplest of all.

It’s not supposed to be misunderstood as a chapter of moral science, but the simplest story of every individual’s life. And how unique it can be in each case.

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

While travelling the road of life, we get to know many interesting stories and many great names. “The Diary of a Young Girl”, is a beautiful journey explained by a girl during her years of struggle and survival while hiding for two years during the Nazi occupation. And how a ray of hope conspires us to come across the darkest in order to see the brightest. The irony of the journey withstands the fact about how patience and hope makes the wait worthy enough to result into something huge. Anne Frank’s diary taught that we don’t really need all the stuff that we think we really “need” and how to enjoy even the smallest bits of life, like the sun, or the sound of birds, a sound that we particularly have found quite annoying. Anne also learned (and taught) that you don’t need to be somewhere to experience it: she learned that imagination is more powerful than anyone could have possibly imagined.

She may had not survived due to the cruelty around her, but she definitely experienced a great life in her imagination. And depicts how in this great puzzle of life, our imagination turns out to be an escape route for a while.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

As we are immensely obsessed with stories, we go through various plots and mysteries in it’s story line. A story which explains the sensitive treatment of a child’s awakening to racism and prejudice in South America. It proves how good and evil can coexist within a single community or individual. Criticism of the novel’s tendency to sermonize has been matched has been praise of its insight and stylistic effectiveness. Thus, in order to be a great personality it’s important to know every point of view. And being fair enough appearance and traits never give people the right to dominate.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

With the passage of time, understanding a woman have been the most complicated and an unsolved puzzle of times. Little Women beautifully explains the passage from childhood to womanhood. An autobiographical or semi-biographical novel describes the domestic adventures of a New England family of modest means but optimistic outlook. It’s not about knowing the four sisters, but the facts depicted to showcase a woman and her inner self.

A well-explained journey and the marvelous relations a woman can establish.

Thus, a stack of five titles that everyone should go through once in a lifetime is a collection of different emotions. Besides the advantages of reading, it’s all about self realizing the facts and polishing the perspectives which were already inherited by the air around us. This is how we enhance.

As quoted by George R. R. Martin, “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never does, only live once.”

So, in the entire life span, it’s worth living these extra five lives and many more.

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