by Isha Chauhan
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Had the thought of being at a lavish ghostly paradise, ever crossed your mind? If yes, then Stanley is a heaven for you. A hotel full of scenic beauty, “the Stanley hotel” exists on the Rocky Mountain National Park. Amidst the beautiful mountains of Colorado, lies the haunted mansion. The hotel on one side is a treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis and on the other side it promises you chills. Ever read Stephen’s best- selling horror novel, “The Shining”? The hotel was an inspiration for the same.

Most of ghosts in the hotel are penned down by Lisa Nyhart, leaving behind a few. Perhaps one should be given a medal for bravery for living on the fourth floor, which is a party hall for ghosts. Doors being slammed shut, shadows roaming all around, cries and laughter of kids and ladies is a common sight here. But before you decide to visit the haunted paradise, make sure that you are ready to peek into the other world.

# ROOM 217

The room being behind the novel of Stephen and the reason why Stanley is known as a haunted paradise. With a scenic beauty, the room is the residence of Ms. Wilson aka the cute ghost. Not always so cute, she’ll be waking you up at 3 am in the night. Though she is a friendly one, making up the room beautiful for you. But beware she doesn’t like unmarried guests in the room!  

That is not it on the second floor. The horror continues. A child screaming around in the night. Lights flickering, unpacking of luggage, arranging of items in a proper order are a daily chore of the cute ghost there.

the haunted paradise with ghostly figures captured


The residence of Paul- the-jack, here 11:00 pm is the curfew time. Better be in your rooms by then. Else be ready for a kick or slap leading to your respective rooms. Echo of “get out” is common in concert hall after the curfew time. The next spirit in the room lies that of sweet Lucy. Lucy is ghost hunter. A belief exists that she is the one showing path to other spirits in the hotel. Flashlights are a common mode of ghostly talks in the room. Remember never turn back in the hall after seeing a flash, that may be a ghost calling you!

Flora – the pianist would be there on the piano playing the melodies by her finger-less hands. The spot is reserved for her each night. The ghost of the hotel founder never fails to entertain her guests by her melodious tracks.

the haunted hall

# ROOM 401

Think twice before stepping on the fourth floor. The floor is full of paranormal activities. The spacious empty floor is a playground for darling phantom-kids. Giggling, laughing, playing and fighting all around the floor. The best of 401 is yet to come. The room has a closet, the very famous open-and-shut on it’s closet. It adds on to the haunted adventure.

haunted fourth floor!

#ROOM 428

If choosing to be in this room, then get ready to catch a sight of a cowboy, near the corner of the bed. The blood-curdling begins as soon as the door shuts, leaving you alone with the footsteps approaching towards you. Booking a room here can for sure be equal to booking a ticket to an after-life experience.


Ever saw a horror house without a beautiful staircase, with a plenty of antique mirrors down the stairs? Same is the case here. The jaw dropping beauty of the staircase never fails to fascinate the guests. A reason why it fascinates the phantasm being clipped in the images on the stairs.

the haunted staircase


A hotel having a self-cave in the basement, ever heard something like this? Not a fantasy but a reality, Stanley has an underground cave system. The cave tour carried is a ride to the eldritch, ranging from breezes and sounds echoing all over. The paranormal activities in the hotel are as a result of the cave, being a deposit of limestone and quartz.

the tunnel in the haunted paradise

The place being full of spooky areas and it’s scenic beauty never fails to  adore the travelers not only aesthetically but also mystically, making it a complete package. Stanley is not only a paradise for the dead but a fairly-land for the living.

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