Home Developers & Open Source Innovative Methods In Which Machine Learning Is Shaping The Future Of Education

Innovative Methods In Which Machine Learning Is Shaping The Future Of Education

by Antara Kar
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In the recent times, there have been many advancements in the education sector. Well, luckily by advancements here, we mean both technological and theoretical advancements. On one hand these advancements have made learning comprehensive and simplified but on the other hand there is a loss in the sense of personalized teaching. Well, one good thing about e-learning is that one can maintain social distance amidst the pandemic COVID-19. Sounds innovative right? Without much ado, let’s tell you about the latest developments in the field of education. All thanks to the technical miracle; machine learning.

1) Prediction Of The Individual’s Career Paths

In the recent times, new advanced ML algorithms are capable of keeping a track of an individual’s learning progress. This method helps one realize their areas of interests thereby letting an individual map his career progress successfully. Such ML algorithms are built in such a way that it allows maximizing the potential in their areas of strengths and interests.

2) A Highly Customized Learning Experience

Machine learning is a boon for the modern day education industry. With new advancements coming up almost every day, one main method how machine learning has revolutionized the education industry is by developing detailed logs for every individual student. A smart move isn’t it? Maintaining such detailed logs would help the system keep a track of the strengths and weaknesses of student. Such a move is beneficiary since it allows the system to test the abilities of a student based on his personalized needs. This way, rather than testing somebody on an umbrella level topic, a student can be tested on his weaknesses and he can make improvements on the grounds where he needs it the most.

3) Comparatively Reduced Biased Marking

The latest developments in computers have a feature to keep plagiarism under check. It lets the professor know if the assignments and tests have been copied from an online platform. With the help of such devices, the person grading the assignment would be able to grade the test accordingly. It is a human tendency to be biased towards someone. All thanks to ML, we now have a system which can assign grades without any form of partiality.

4) Fixing Of Appointments

Scheduling an appointment between the students and teachers can be a very fixating process. With the help of ML algorithms, this task can be very organised and easy. Such smart ML algorithms provide students with personalized schedules based on their prior commitments.

Looking at the ML advancements in the education sector, we can say that introducing it was a great t. With so much exciting in store, one can only be thankful that the future is in the right hands.

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