Home Global 5 Men Fashion Tips for this Summer

5 Men Fashion Tips for this Summer

by Stefan Radulovic
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“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.”

“A man is what he eats.”

These are the words by French lawyer and politician Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, as the latter is a quote by German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach. Of course, neither of them meant that literally. However, we might be serious when we say: “You are what you wear”.

This world holds one of the most interesting species on its ground – humans. Humans tend to invent lots of stuff in order to make their lives on earth more interesting and satisfying. Hence, fashion!

Anyway, summer is almost here, so if you are eager to find out what’s going to be trendy in the hot days of 2019, check out some of our men tips for you!

Tailored trousers

People used to think that tailored trousers are for clerks sitting behind desks doing a “boring” job. See, if you are one of those people, you have no idea how wrong you’ve been! 

Just get a pair of those tapered shape, slim cut trousers and be ready to walk the streets of your town with confidence and style! We would recommend grey ones, but, hey, it’s your life and tailored trousers are in, so do not hesitate to experiment!

trousers men fashion

Long sleeved shirt

One thing makes us happy – the return of a classic long-sleeved shirt! Maybe, in white? Anyway, they are back! Forget about the days when these pieces were booked for macho men and Latino lovers! Get that light cloth on your body and feel the difference! Warning: you might get lots of looks pointed at you.

long sleeved men fashion

Tailored Sorts

We know that we opened this list with trousers, but you might be living in a place that gets really warm during the summer! Luckily, men fashion thinks about everything, so there is one thing that never goes out of style – nicely tailed shorts. We would recommend that you go for the navy blue, definitely above the knee. Be careful, you don’t want to ruin your look with a poor choice of socks. Either lose them for good, or simply google for matching colors before going out in public!

navy shorts men fashion


If you want to gain all the compliments and respect, then you really have to put some effort into choosing the right piece to put on your feet. Loafers are the real choice for the summer, as these scream CONFIDENCE! This is a very smart way to introduce the smart-casual look to yourself. This is something that would go perfectly with your shorts, but even trousers! Just, please, focus on the length of your trousers if you choose to combine them with the loafers. However, it is for the best if you go shorts with this one!

loafers men fashion


Sure, sunglasses were primarily invented to keep your eyes safe from UV rays and so on. But, we all know that there is no better accessory than these bad boys, which literally serve as the cherry on top! If you get the right color and size, your face will be highly recognized when scrolling down the street. Anyway, you have to be very careful with the choice, as each face has its own symmetry.

sunglasses men fashion

Do not panic, summer is almost here, but it’s not here yet! You have plenty of time to think and equip your wardrobe with the best pieces out there! Warm days are coming – dress for them!

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