Home Politics Kashmir: India Vs Pakistan

Kashmir: India Vs Pakistan

by Puja Singh
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The history of Kashmir is well known to everyone. At the time of independence, Kashmir was administrated under Maharaja Hari Singh. After independence when it was decided that there would be a partition between India and Pakistan the problem of Kashmir raised. Hari Singh, being a Hindu ruler was in favour of joining India, while population of over 70% Muslims of Kashmir wanted to join Pakistan. This led the peace and harmony of the state to get completely racked and ruined. To avoid this, Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession with India. However, it still remains in a state of unrest. To resolve this problem further in January 1949, the United Nation Commission for India and Pakistan came to a conclusion that the accession of Jammu & Kashmir will be decided by a free and impartial referendum. Both countries agreed to the UN’s decision. However, it was never conducted and since then Kashmir is considered a never-ending issue.

Kashmir in 1999

The second day of the Kargil Vijay Diwas

The Kargil War which in India was also referred to as Operation Vijay in 1999 was no doubt a huge loss for both the nations. Though India bore the palm in this conflict the loss was irreparable. We lost almost 527 army personnel. Again, Kashmir was the apple of discord behind this war. Some Pakistani infiltrates entered the Indian territory of LoC. The Pakistani army was believed to help in infiltration for crossing the border. This caused the war between the countries. Besides the victory, it also sends a message to the world that even though we never initiate a fight but “we will bloody hell finish it”(in context to the movie Uri).

Kashmir in 2016

The Pathankot attack at the beginning of the year 2016 shattered the country. Many security personnel lost their lives. While the nation was yet to be out of this suffering another incident happened. The Uri attack in September added fuel to the fire and India was burning in anger of taking revenge. Just in the same month, India led the surgical strike on 26th September, 2016. It destroyed many terrorists and their training camps. This step was criticised by some countries but received appreciation as well. This made the world change their view towards India.

Kashmir in 2019

With the onset of 2019, the militants attacked the army convoy in Pulwama in which over 45 security forces of CRPF were martyred. The attack was condemned by India and other countries as well. India in response stopped the flowing of the rivers Sutlej, Beas and Ravi under Indus water treaty. India also imposed 200% customs duty and withdrew the “Most Favorable Nation (MFN)” tag from Pakistan. This warlike circumstance not only affected the security forces of both the countries but civilians as well. If we look for the root cause, the reason is Kashmir as always like the past wars.

I have personally seen people saying that Kashmir should be given to Pakistan just to end this fight so that people of both the nation could live peacefully. But this would be unfair and injustice to all Indians who have shed their blood to save Kashmir since history. Our defence forces live far away from their families, sacrifice every luxury and live in a place full of threat all the time. Nobody knows when there will be an attack and an angry mob protesting or pelting stones at them. Still, they stand stiff so that Kashmir could remain a part of India. To have a better future, Kashmiris should avoid being misled by Pakistan as a young Kashmiri boy was brainwashed by the terrorists.

We are in a state of war with Pakistan since 1947 to which both the countries are at daggers drawn because of the state Kashmir. However, Kashmir officially belongs to India. It would be better for Pakistan as soon they realize and accept it.  

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