Home Latest AI, Web Development or Android ?

AI, Web Development or Android ?

by Raghav Khullar
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In this article, we shall discuss three of the most famous skills which are on every new developer’s mouth. The article aims at simplifying the understanding of people regarding these subjects and make a wise decision in pursuing them.

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

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According to TechTarget, Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. These processes include learning (the acquisition of information and rules for using the information), reasoning (using rules to reach approximate or definite conclusions) and self-correction. Particular applications of AI include expert systems, speech recognition, and machine vision.

Web and App Development

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The role of a Web Developer is designing, coding and modifying websites, from layout to function and according to a client’s specifications. The effort is to create visually appealing sites that feature user-friendly design and clear navigation. He/she uses HTML, CSS, JS and PHP etc, to create websites.

On the other hand, Android App Developer is a Software Developer who specializes in designing applications for the Android Play Store. They either work for a large organization, or they can be employed by an App Development company.

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  • The demand for web developers is huge, and it’s not going anywhere for a long time, whereas, Machine Learning has a very high bar and the competition is shifted towards the best universities in the world.
  • Web Development is often favored more than A.I., due to the ease of understanding and use.
  • Most of the great products that are making big money are centered around a customer-related idea, not a brilliant invention. Facebook didn’t have neural nets. Neither did Snapchat, Dropbox, etc.
  • A.I. has started to have a large impact on Web Development itself. Many websites are using A.I. applications to their advantage.
  • A.I. needs more expertise to deal with than we require for web development


  • The scope of an android app developer is limited to android development only, whereas, web developers build sites and web apps for internet use.
  • Android development requires the use of Java, Kotlin, C, C++, for making intensive apps, whereas, web development languages can range from HTML, CSS, JS to BOOTSTRAP, PHP.
  • Android apps take more time to run and execute than websites and web apps.

“Android Developer vs Web Developer” are just preferences. A developer may choose Android development as their career and can make applications. These applications can automate many processes through smartphones and smart ideas. Web developers are highly required not only in Software Companies but also as interns.

The Industrial Demand

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The global Artificial Intelligence Market is expected to reach USD 35,870.0 million by 2025 from its direct revenue sources, growing at a CAGR of 57.2% from 2017 to 2025, whereas it is expected to garner around USD 58,975.4 million by 2025 from its enabled revenue arenas, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc.

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The Android industry has also seen a rapid rise and that’s because of the steeply rising demand of apps; app roles now account for 28% of all IT related adverts in the UK in Q3-2017, making it the most popular job type in the industry. The surge in mobile skills surpassed web development, which was previously the most popular.


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Multinational tech companies with R&D centers in India including Google, Microsoft, and others are paying large salaries and joining bonuses and numbers floating around range from 1.5 – 2 million rupees/annum, for Artificial Intelligence related jobs.

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Web and App development come just after this and are the next best thing in the market nowadays.

Are the Universities ready ?

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While Web Development and App Development both are being made prominent among students, only selected students have truly embarked onto Artificial Intelligence. Students have not entirely been made industry-ready, and, a lot is yet to be achieved in this less-trodden path. Below is a graph illustrating the statistical take:

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The App and Web Development jobs and roles are more stable in terms of their use and opportunity as of now, as they have been around for quite some time now, while, Artificial Intelligence is newer in terms of applications, thus offering lesser stability.

But, on the other hand, in terms of long term use of such applications utilizing AI to their merit, will have an upper hand, as, it shall make work more easy and error-free. It may not require human interference at all!

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