Home Lifestyle Best Valentine’s Day Gifts

Best Valentine’s Day Gifts

by Orlando Silva
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Valentine’s Day is heading close, as every year people try to give the best gifts to their partners and loved ones. That seems to be an easy job, but sometimes when you’re trying to impress the people you love by giving them the best gift possible, that’s when the real problem begins. What can you get to your partner? Well, that’s a question that comes to life every February and nobody seems to have a convincing answer.

Don’t worry, because here in Mindbrews we are ready to help you and offer you the best gift options for this special day. Sure, you can think of flowers and chocolates and Teddies but that’s not impressive enough if you had already given them in prior years and are so common these days. So, MindBrews has brought you some creative ideas for gifts which won’t fail you to impress your bae:  

Messages Box/Jar

This is one of the best ideas if you want to think outside the box (yes, I just said that), as this can serve as a reminder of your love every time you’re not present or when you want to create a love week, month or even year, if that’s a thing.

Messages can be short. It can be a romantic quote from your favorite author (or your partner’s), a long letter or you just can pen down some of those beautiful memories you made together. It would make them feel your presence just in case you’re not around and you’re partner is missing you and waiting for you to return.

You can also put a surprise gift or candies or your special pictures in it. This particular option has been one of my favorites for years, as I think it can demonstrate a lot of love and dedication.

Matching trousers

(Boys, this can be one of those cute gifts you’d love to gift to your love). Matching Hoodies, tshirts and jackets are way too common now. Let’s go for something similarly different. Matching couple trousers are in trend these days and would serve as a cute perfect gift for your bae. Theme of the trousers can be a favorite series, comic or TV show that your partners loves. You can make his day by giving them matching pajamas. Pairing up to be one is what every partner love.

Romantic Trip

What would be better to do with your partner than going on a long drive with music or a romantic trip or maybe a destination date? Almost nothing, I guess. You will surprise your partner in a great way and will earn the right to having a great time in a magical place. 

A Mixtape on a cassette

Well, a cassette mixtape is certainly old and discontinued but we all know ‘old is gold‘. Who doesn’t like to have a romantic retro or vintage songs on their date nowadays? Soothing tracks of songs which you relate to your partner in a Vintage style would be a great gift to have on that special romantic date.

Remembering those special songs is something not everybody can do and you can melt anybody’s heart with this type of details. Do some research, make your tracklist and you’re good to go, you have created the perfect gift.

Romantic Cook 

BOYS , this idea is specially for you. Every woman has a desire to be treated as queen. Well, i know you treat her like that . But, why not cook her favorite dish to make her feel special and serve her the most romantic breakfast and dinner. When a man cooks for his woman she finds it cute and trust me you’ll find her more loving than she usually is.

Cooking for your girl would be one of the MOST CUTEST valentine gift you’ll be giving to her and will make her day special. The day you cook for your girl you’ll find a different glow and shine in her. It’s the symbol of proudness which’ll flow within her and the happiness of choosing the most perfect partner for herself.

An adventure book

We have talked about preambles to dinners, romantic dates and trips where you can wear matching pajamas and more, but you probably want to have something where to announce, plan and even post pictures of these moments. This is where the adventure book takes its place. You can easily make if you put your creativity into it. Collect the memories of your first trip together, those expressions you had while opening presents and trying to guess what the next adventure will be and pen it down along with some sketches and pictures. This can serve as a relationship journal. And, trust me your efforts will take your relation an edge ahead on that sweet path of LOVE.

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