Home Lifestyle Lesser known tales behind celebrating Dhanteras

Lesser known tales behind celebrating Dhanteras

by Mindbrews Official
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Also known as Dhantrayodashi or Dhanvantri Jayanti, Dhanteras brings wealth in everyone’s life. It marks the arrival of Diwali which is also called the festival of lights. Dhanteras is associated with huge wealth, prosperity, and human bonding. It is celebrated on the thirteenth lunar day of Krishna Paksha in the Hindu calendar month of Kartika. On this special day of Dhanteras let us see some facts and tales that led us to celebrate this special day.

1. Appearance of Lord Dhanvantari

According to the mythology, during Samudramanthan, Lord Dhanvantari (an incarnation of Lord Vishnu) appeared with Amrita in one hand. Considering it an auspicious thing to happen, the day was named after him.

2. The tale of Hima’s son

An ancient legend ascribes the occasion to an interesting story about the 16-year-old son of King Hima. The king’s son was predicted to die on the fourth day of this marriage due to a snake bite. Knowing this, his wife did not let him sleep for the entire day and night. Also, she kept all her belongings (gold jewelry) around her husband’s bed, brightens the room with lights, and started singing.

The next day, when Yama, the god of Death arrived at the prince’s doorstep in the guise of a serpent, his eyes were dazzled and blinded by the brilliance of the lamps and the jewelry. Yama could not enter the Prince’s chamber, so he climbed on top of the heap of gold coins and sat there the entire night listening to the stories and songs. In the morning, he silently went away.

Thus, the young prince was saved from the clutches of death by the cleverness of his new bride, and the day came to be celebrated as Dhanteras.

3. Why we do Laxmi Puja every year on Dhanteras?

Once upon a time, Lord Laxmi and Visnu visited earth. She was asked by him not to get attracted by earthly temptations. However, Lord Laxmi couldn’t resist herself and landed on a farmer’s sugarcane field. There, she relished impeccable sugarcane juice. Seeing this, Lord Visnu declared that Lord Laxmi has to serve the farmer as a labourer for 12 years. Post this, the farmer started to prosper with the arrival of Lord Laxmi. Later, when the farmer and his family visited the river Ganga, she revealed Lord Laxmi’s true identity. Knowing this, the farmer refused to let her go away after the time of her stay completed. overwhelmed by the farmer’s love and affection, Lord Laxmi promised him to visit every year on Dhanteras. The goddess also asked him to keep his house clean on the day and to light a lamp for her. This is the reason, we do Laxmi Puja after sunset.

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